Writing on Substack this week, she says that the comment was enough for Zucker to yank her off air and keep her there for seven months - one month less than Toobin, who was caught masturbating during a Zoom call with executives from The New Yorker. Kaczynski took her to task, and she responded with: 'Got jack to say about Cuomo and Toobin, but gotta fact-check me when he’s got nothing.'
She had criticized CNN's coverage of the congressional shooting of the 2017 Congressional baseball shooting, suggesting that it wasn't extensively-enough talked about because the victims were Republican. In January this year, Ham engaged in a Twitter spat with fellow CNN journalist Andrew Kaczynski. Mary Katharine Ham is a conservative TV journalist and anchor who contributes to CNN and has previously worked for Fox News. Mary Katharine Ham is a conservative TV journalist and anchor who contributes to CNN and has previously worked for Fox NewsĪ conservative CNN commentator claims she was kept off the air by former boss Jeff Zucker for seven months as punishment for tweeting about how the network handled the Chris Cuomo and masturbator Jeffrey Toobin scandals.